Manual: How to Implement Cultural and Natural Heritage Tourism?
This Cultural Heritage Tourism Manual is hands-on and practical manual for SME’s in tourism. It includes a step-by-step guide to show tourism businesses how to include a cultural and heritage tourism dimension to their offering.
This manual has been designed to benefit the owners and managers of small and micro businesses active in tourism, particularly those from rural regions with diminishing populations and/or regions which are suffering from economic crises. During the lifespan of ROOTS 2017-2019, 140 owners and managers of tourism businesses in from RO, DN, NL, UK, IE and ES tried and tested this manual with great results.
The manual can be used by:
– SME’s can download the manual and use it as a self learning tool
– Tourism associations and business supporting organisations can use the tool to inform and/or train their clients

Manual: How to promote Cultural and Natural Heritage Tourism?
This Cultural Heritage Tourism Manual is hands-on and practical manual for SME’s in tourism. It includes a step-by-step guide to show tourism businesses how to promote their specialised cultural and heritage tourism services.
This manual has been designed to benefit the owners and managers of small and micro businesses active in tourism, particularly those from rural regions with diminishing populations and/or regions which are suffering from economic crises. During the lifespan of ROOTS 2017-2019, 140 owners and managers of tourism businesses in from RO, DN, NL, UK, IE and ES tried and tested this manual with great results.
The manual can be used by:
– SME’s can download the manual and use it as a self learning tool
– Tourism associations and business supporting organisations can use the tool to inform and/or train their clients

Manual: How to set up local Cultural and Natural Heritage Communities?
This Cultural Heritage Tourism Manual is hands-on and practical manual describing how to set up a local network of cultural and heritage companies and support organisations to develop an atrractive and sustainable tourism regions
This manual has been designed to benefit the owners and managers of small and micro businesses active in tourism, particularly those from rural regions with diminishing populations and/or regions which are suffering from economic crises. During the lifespan of ROOTS 2017-2019, 140 owners and managers of tourism businesses in from RO, DN, NL, UK, IE and ES tried and tested this manual with great results.
The manual will facilitate and stimulate SME’s in tourism to cooperate and join forces to increase the impact of cultural heritage tourism. These collaborations and cooperation will benefit the local environment and community.

ROOTS Training Toolkit
The ROOTs Training Toolkit has been designed to help business advisors and intermediaries such as trainers, business support advisors, business coaches, and consultants, to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to identify and exploit opportunities in cultural heritage tourism.
The Training Toolkit comprises:
- A set of exercises for completion by cultural heritage tourism SMEs
- A training delivery plan to enable business advisors to train and support cultural heritage tourism SMEs.
The toolkit covers the business planning process, how to develop and present a cultural heritage tourism ‘story’ and product and service offering to the market. The Training Toolkit is a practical resource that can also be adapted for use with an array of tourism-based enterprises.